6027 S. Westnedge Ave. Portage MI 49002
Mon - Fri 10AM-6PM | Sat 10AM-4PM | Sun Closed
Parts & Service
We have a strong conviction that you can not offer the best products without seeking to offer the best service and the needed parts and supplies. Our machines are built to last and offer a high level of performance. We are well prepared to troubleshoot, repair, clean and replace parts so that you receive the maximum value and satisfaction that you will not get from purchasing disposable products from discount or big box stores. We happily service and repair almost all brands and give free estimates. Taking care of you and your machine is the most important part of our business and we thank you and look forward to this opportunity to serve you.

Servicing the kirby

Riccar Brilliance R30D cleaning and servicing.

Austin Air and Miele products

Belts for just about any machine

Well stocked on Riccar and Miele Vacuum bags and filters